Little Red Riding Hood — Holiday Edition

Little Red Riding Hood wants to deliver holiday cookies to her grandmother.

However, she doesn't have any cookies.

Help Little Red Riding Hood make cookies for her grandmother.

She puts some flour in a bowl. What else should she put in Grandma's cookies?

This batter looks great, let’s bake it!

Oops, you accidentally knocked in some chicken broth. Oh, well. Let’s bake it anyways.

You take a bite of the chicken broth cookies. A little savory -- but you’re sure grandma will love them regardless.

You pack them up and start on your way to grandma’s house….

== The forest ==

An unaccompanied minor walking through a dark treacherous forest. Dum dum dum. No problems here.

The wolf, Harry, wakes up… stomach a’ grumble. It sure is hard to find food in a forest in the middle of winter. He shivers in his fur coat.

What’s that I smell? CHICKEN? COOKIES?

Oh, it’s a little girl in a red coat….. on her way to grandma’s house.

Harry licks his lips. And schemes up a plan.

== Grandma’s house ==

Harry arrives at Grandma’s house.

He huffs, puffs, and blows her door down. Oops, wrong story.

The wolf opens his mouth to eat Grandma. Little did he know. This is no ordinary grandma, but a DUCT TAPE WIELDING GRANDMA.


Help Grandma whip up some duct tape that she can use to restrain the wolf.

How should we make duct tape?

Success! Harry has been restrained.

Little Red Riding Hood shows up to Grandma’s blown door a few minutes later with her chicken cookies.

"Grandma, what a lot of duct tape you have!" she exclaims. "All the better to wrap up your presents, my dear," replies her Grandma. They embrace warmly.

Help Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma build a radio transmitter so they can signal “Happy holidays” to their relatives (and radio to the Humane Society that they have a duct taped wolf in their house).

It should be a powered device that transmits a long-range, sinusodial signal that encodes a meaningful message without blowing up.

Success! The transmitter has been built.

Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother are safe and sound, enjoying their cookies.

Harry has been adopted by a good home and fed chicken noodle soup.

Happy Holidays from the Xia Family!
- Victoria, Cassandra, Frances, and Bo